Belinda Emmett

Page 29

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My heart has truly cried out for you. You are a wonderful person and I wish you all the best during this difficult time. May she rest in peace.




My Condolences for the loss your wife, soul mate and best friend.


Dear Rove and Family Of Rove and Belinda's Family
I am deeply saddened by her passing , Belinda is a gorgeous girl a bright spark, witty, i love Belinda with my heart. I wish you all my condolences and a big hug. I know this a hard time for all of you. Thinking of you,
Veryan xx00


To Rove, the Emmett Family and Mc Manus family,
I’m extending my deepest condolences on the sad passing of Belinda. May her spirit and legacy live on for others in the battle with cancer and you may all remember the time you had with her and the courage and determination she showed throughout her illness. Rove, you have been an inspiration all, sticking by your wife and best friend. Rest assured her ordeal is over and she is suffering no more pain. Belinda was more that just a celebrity or actress, she was a wonderful woman and Australian. My prayers are with you all in this time, from an Aussie in London…


Dear Rove,
I know u have received a lot of messages so i will make this quick, Belinda to me was a very respectful and beautiful women, im very sorry and saddened by her passing.
my thoughts are with you from Sarah


So sad to hear of Belinda’s passing. My sister and I knew Belinda and her mum Lorraine from when we attended Woy Woy gym many years ago. Belinda was a lovely person who will never be forgotten. Our hearts go out to Rove and Belinda’s family.
Rhonda and Alison, Central Coast NSW


Dearest Rove,
I was driving when I heard on the radio of the passing of your beautiful Belle. I was in great shock and sadness and tears were streaming down. My heart goes out to you and your families. Losing a loved one is always devastating and we feel like we are losing our own battle with life over our great loss. I have loved and admired Belinda for her brave battle and her positive outlook in the face of adversity. Never giving up! I have watched you both over the years and thought how much love you both have for each other. True soulmates. In life time is never measured. It is the quality of love in ones journey together that matters. You both experienced this and I experienced your love for each other and that is beautiful. Your beloved sweetheart will always be with you, in your heart and soul. She is now your Guardian Angel. My love and prayers to you


Dear Rove and the Emmett family
Please except my deepest sympathy on the sad loss of Belinda this morning. She showed tremendous courage ,beauty and grace throughout her illness. A true inspiration to all who knew and admired her. Rest in peace Belinda.
Wendy G ( south australia )


To Rove & Family.
I Just Want To Say How Sorry I Was To Hear About The Loss Of Belinda Emmett. She Was A Lovely Person & She Will Be Missed By So Many People. Rove You & Belinda Were A Great Couple Together. I Just Want To Send My Condolences To Rove & To All The Family. May Belinda Rest In Peace!
From Debbie Watherston.


Dearest Rove,
I know that you do not know me and that we have never actually met but after having you in my living room every Tuesday night for all these years, I truly feel as if you are a friend. I just wanted to send a few kind words your way and my deepest and sincerest condolences to you and your family. I was so saddened by the news of Belinda’s passing that I have had trouble sleeping ever since I heard. I cannot even imagine what you must be going through. I will try and keep this short as I am sure that mine is not the only email that you will receive from fans all over Australia.

I have never had to endure the heartache that you must be feeling and after only been married to my beautiful husband four 7 months could not think of anything worse than to lose my soul-mate. As a social worker and human being I am by no means an expert on grief but just wanted to offer some heartfelt advice…

My gorgeous grandmother still alive today in her 80’s has been through nazi germany, lost THREE husbands over the last 50 years and recently had a stroke…but she’s still kicking, still smiling… human beings are stronger than we think.

Feel what ever you need to…
Do what ever brings you joy…
Gain strength from your family and friends who I am sure are being your anchor…
And take every day one at a time…

My thoughts and prayers are with you…
Debbie Elbaum xxx, Melbourne, Victoria


To Rove and family
Our hearts and love go out to you all in this time of sadness. Belle was a beautiful and courageous woman who touched each and one of us in some way she will be deeply missed but forever in our hearts.
Jo and Shane Taiwhati x


Dear Rove,
May the good lord, keep you safe and help you thru this time........Belle is with the and blessings to you and both your families......
Maria Speechly....Perth


Dear Rove and family,
I just want to express my condolences on the loss of Belinda Emmett. She was a beautiful person both inside and out and it's such a tragedy that her life was cut so short. But Belinda will always live on in the hearts of those who loved her and the fans that admired her. Her strength was so amazing and something that should never be forgotten. My love and prayers to you all.


Darling Rove, And Belinda's Family.....
Our hearts go out to you all at this sad time in your life's...My heart ache's for each and every one of you....Just know rove that your darling wife will always be looking down at you,and be thankful that you had the time with her that you did darling...Thinking of you all...Each and everyone of you will be in our heart's.....God Bless You All......
Rest In Peace Darling Belinda.........
Lots Of Love, Dean,Sue,Greg and Ashleigh Greening.... xxxx


Be strong, never forget the times you shared with belinda, there are a million messages telling you how beautiful she was and how she touched the lives of so many and they are all true. Nobody can say anything to make this better..but we, the Australian public can instead, show you our support, and send our love to you and your family in this incredibly hard time for you. I admire you both..always
Allison Rasmussen


Rove, family of Belinda and all those who loved and cherished her.
As a young girl I used to admire Belinda, whether watching her on Hey Dad, Home & Away or on Australia's Funniest Home Videos. In my teens, I had the opportunity of performing on stage with her at a xmas carols concert and from that moment, I was a big fan - Belinda was so friendly, down to earth and had the most beautiful voice. Looking at the photos of her marriage ceremony, i could see the love between her and Rove and can remember thinking that the two of them were so very lucky to have found one another and to enjoy such a close and cherished bond. I was shocked when she passed away and it only highlighted to me how many of us complain about such simple and insignificant things in life, when there are people who are in pain and are living with the realisation that they will someday in the near future, be saying goodbye to their love ones prematurely. Belinda's passing has affected me in that I have made a conscious decision to live my life to the fullest and to be grateful for having such a wonderful life already. Belinda - you were an inspiration to us all and your life here on earth has touched those who you would never have imagined. Rove & the Emmett Family- I cannot understand what you are going through, but my thoughts and prayers are with you. Thinking of you,


Dear Rove and Belinda's Family,
I am very upset for your loss. Belinda is a beautiful woman. I believe that there is life after death so I believe she is here with all of you. I know you can get past this and be happy again it may not seem like it but don't worry you will. Belinda will always be in our hearts no matter what but you don't have to worry she is probably watching over her you. Rove, I could see you that you loved her very dearly and 1 day you will see her again. My deepest sympathy to all of you.
Love Maria and family

Rove, family of Belinda and all those who loved and cherished her.
As a young girl I used to admire Belinda, whether watching her on Hey Dad, Home & Away or on Australia's Funniest Home Videos. In my teens, I had the opportunity of performing on stage with her at a xmas carols concert and from that moment, I was a big fan - Belinda was so friendly, down to earth and had the most beautiful voice. Looking at the photos of her marriage ceremony, i could see the love between her and Rove and can remember thinking that the two of them were so very lucky to have found one another and to enjoy such a close and cherished bond. I was shocked when she passed away and it only highlighted to me how many of us complain about such simple and insignificant things in life, when there are people who are in pain and are living with the realisation that they will someday in the near future, be saying goodbye to their love ones prematurely. Belinda's passing has affected me in that I have made a conscious decision to live my life to the fullest and to be grateful for having such a wonderful life already. Belinda - you were an inspiration to us all and your life here on earth has touched those who you would never have imagined. Rove & the Emmett Family- I cannot understand what you are going through, but my thoughts and prayers are with you. Thinking of you,

Dear Rove and Belinda's family
Even though I did not know Belinda in the way you all did I just wanted you to know how she touched the heart of a stranger. I have woken every day since her parting and thought how truly beautiful your girl was ,is and will always be I know the pain you feel but there is nothing I can say or do to make it any better but I just wanted you all to know that you are in the hearts and mines of many strangers. She will be never be forgotten in the heart and mind of this stranger. Bless you all
With deepest sympathy, Tammie

A beautiful person, her life will go on, as her memory will live on in our hearts forever


Dear Rove and families,
I am so touched by the loss of Belinda which is a mystery seeing as I didn't know her. The reason is that I am Belinda's age and grew up aspiring to be like her, beautiful and talented. I am an ordinary person, not a household name but when I listened to less than perfect I understood. I am sure Belinda would have traded my life with hers in an instant if it meant she would still be here .I am a single mum who is yet to experience the love Rove and Belinda had but I will be sure to appreciate it if it comes. I now wake up every morning cherishing my 5 year old son and the time we have. Belinda has taught me to be grateful and happy. What an inspiring lady. She was an angel put here to teach us about love and life and she succeeded..big time, Thanks Belinda what a beautiful soul.
Robyn, Berwick


To dear Rove and family,
I am saddened to hear about the passing of your dear angel Belinda. When i was working on Saturday every time i scanned a copy of the advertiser that had a picture of u on the front at the funeral i wanted to burst into tears seeing the grief and sadness in your face, i just wanted to reach out and gvive you the biggest hug. Belinda was a real australian treasure and i know that her life and her battle will have an impact on the people of australia. My thoughts and prayers are with you Rove and family- A BIG HUG FOR YOU ALL


Our family have been thinking and talking about Belinda - about how brave and strong and loving she was. Her death has affected us, and we cannot imagine how you must miss her.


I am so sorry to hear of this very big loss. I followed Belinda’s journey and watched her give strength to others She was a strong and beautiful women who fought her challenges with grace and dignity. She will be truly remembered for her determination, love and spirit. My thoughts are with you, your family and Belinda’s family.
M. Borg


-A letter to Rove and grievers from a 16-year-old girl

14 months ago I was beside my sister’s hospital bed when she left me to join the angels. My name is Lana-Marie; and at the time I was 14.

~I work closely with the cancer council~
~I love to smile, laugh and act~

But when she left us I StRuggLed and EverYthiNg around me came to a halt.
Often, I forgot it was a NorMal thing.
Often, someone SugGesTed me to another.
Often, I ResOrTed to acting out real life SitUatiOns.

I for some reason was afraid to ask for help. I was the girl at school to fix things and make people smile. It took me 6 months; 6 months! To ask for help. The pain in my voice when I say that…I was stupid. I never got that help, not even till this day.

But you can Rove! And I encourage you. Life is too short to only live from your mistakes!

Rove, I send every well wish possible your way.. look after yourself and don’t be scared to walk forward. Just do what Belle would want you to do. And take the time you need. In this situation, you come first, and you do what you want when you want to do it


So, so, so, so beautiful she was. full of strength and beauty. Truly one to admire.
